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We source allocated, obsolete & hard to find parts

At B8 Electronics we utilise our global procurement service in order to rapidly locate products and make a firm offer.


We specialise on scheduled orders...

As we all know, prices for the same part can vary a lot depending on the country: US, Europe, Asia...

Our expertise in negotiating worldwide market price allows you to cut your current buying price on regular parts, niche product…


Excess Inventory Mangement

B8 Electronics drive the sale of your excess: we actively market the stock on the open market and inform manufacturers worldwide that an excess stock is available for sale. (Keeping client confidentiality)

This solution will assure the highest overall return on your inventory


- We are always happy to help you

Whatever your needs are, B8 Electronics can supply a suitable solution.

Please feel free to contact us for more information about how you can benefit from our services.